
Retina can receive incidental γ-ray exposure from various sources. For example, although radiation therapy is a crucial tool for managing head and neck tumors, patients may develop ocular complications as collateral damage from accidental irradiation. Recently, there has been concern that retinal irradiation during space flight may compromise mission goals and long-term quality of life after space travel. Previously, in our in vitro model, we proved that immature retinal cells are more vulnerable to γ-radiation than differentiated neurons. Here, we investigate if a low-dose pre-irradiation (0.025 Gy), known to have a protective effect in various contexts, can affect DNA damage and oxidative stress in cells exposed to a high dose of γ-rays (2 Gy). Our results reveal that pre-irradiation reduces 2 Gy effects in apoptotic cell number, H2AX phosphorylation and oxidative stress. These defensive effects are also evident in glial cells (reduction in GFAP and ED1 levels) and antioxidant enzymes (catalase and CuZnSOD). Overall, our results confirm that rat retinal cultures can be an exciting tool to study γ-irradiation toxic effects on retinal tissue and speculate that low irradiation may enhance the skill of retinal cells to reduce damage induced by higher doses.

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