
Radiation therapy (RT) is being utilized more commonly for rabbit thymomas due to high perioperative mortality rates with surgery. Median overall survival times reported for rabbit thymomas treated with a variety of RT protocols and techniques range from 6months to greater than 2 years. As thymomas are radiation-responsive tumours and may shrink rapidly after RT, adaptive radiotherapy (ART) is often warranted. The purpose of this single-institution retrospective case series was to investigate the tumour volume reduction during RT, the frequency of replanning during RT, and survival time in rabbit thymomas treated using intensity-modulated/image-guided radiation therapy (IMRT/IGRT) and a weekly hypofractionated protocol delivering a total dose of 30 Gy. Ten rabbits met the inclusion criteria from October 2014 to October 2019. The median progression-free survival was 561 days and the median overall survival was 634 days (range: 322-1118 days). The tumour volume gradually decreased with each RT fraction. On post-hoc analysis, only the first RT fraction was associated with a significant GTV reduction (of more than 50% on average, p < .001). All subsequent RT fractions did not further reduce the GTV significantly (p > .06). Hypofractionated RT using a weekly protocol of 5 fractions of 6Gy is a reasonable option to treat rabbit thymomas and replanning should be anticipated. The results of this study support the use of RT to rapidly relieve thymoma-induced dyspnoea in rabbits.

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