
Nowadays, the cellular network has become a part of every human being's life. Cellular communication, hand in hand with information technology, has reduced the physical work performed by people. As there is great improvement and development in the fields of electronics and communication, the accumulation of data has also increased at a high rate. One of the cons observed due to the development of huge data is data traffic. The currently used 4G mobile communication technology is facing congestion, reduced capacity, shortages in bandwidth, slower data rate problems, and interference. The technology is equipped to connect with a large number of devices, overcoming the issue of network traffic that arises in 4G communications. Recent growth in technology has given the best solution with 5G communication. This proposed study focuses on the energy-efficient power allocation in a 5G multitier heterogeneous network, which consists of relays, deployment of small cells, and device-to-device communication. Here, a new methodology like Hybrid Heuristic algorithm is proposed for Adaptive Power Allocation with Energy Efficiency in 5G Multitier Networks which is a combination of ACO (Ant Colony Optimization) and PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) algorithms to produce an efficient power allocation scheme for 5G downlink systems. The novelty of this research work is the integration of two optimization algorithm for adaptive power allocation in 5G network. The average SNIR value of the proposed Heuristic Approach is compared with the existing algorithms like SOA, and NCOL based on D2D user, micro user and pico user. The proposed Heuristic technique average system energy efficiency, and average system spectral efficiency also calculated and compared with the existing techniques such as SOA and NOCL.

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