
This paper explores the use of polynomial preconditioned CG methods for hermitian indefinite linear systems,Ax=b. Polynomial preconditioning is attractive for several reasons. First, it is well-suited to vector and/or parallel architectures. It is also easy to employ, requiring only matrix-vector multiplication and vector addition. To obtain an optimum polynomial preconditioner we solve a minimax approximation problem. The preconditioning polynomial,C(λ), is optimum in that it minimizes a bound on the condition number of the preconditioned matrix,C(A)A. We also characterize the behavior of this minimax polynomial, which makes possible a thorough understanding of the associated CG methods. This characterization is also essential to the development of an adaptive procedure for dynamically determining the optimum polynomial preconditioner. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of polynomial preconditioning in a variety of numerical experiments on a Cray X-MP/48. Our results suggest that high degree (20–50) polynomials are usually best.

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