
Adaptive management (AM) is being used as a follow-up tool within EIA/CEAM. Such uses include reducing cumulative effects uncertainties, and informing decision making on practices to minimize the incremental effects of proposed actions and the management of regional cumulative effects resulting from multiple contributors. Based upon a review of fundamental concepts, practices and case studies, the following key lessons have been identified: (1) AM can be a useful tool for coping with uncertainty in CEAM, improving the knowledge base and enhancing the effectiveness of cumulative effects mitigation and management at the project and regional level respectively; (2) decision flowcharts can facilitate the learning and necessary adaptations associated with AM programs, and such flowcharts should be both understandable and integrative in relation to developing an holistic perspective on management choices and their environmental implications; and (3) there is a primary need for comparative case studies illustrating how AM has been incorporated in NEPA compliance documents which address cumulative effects management.

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