
Traditional online dental education courses follow the broadcast paradigm which centers on the teacher, not the student. This one-size-fits-all approach resembles a mass-production idea which cannot take individual learner characteristics into account. Most online course designs do not address the issue that users with different goals and knowledge may be interested in different pieces of information about a topic. Adaptive hypermedia (AH) is an emerging field in education research which investigates how computer systems can overcome this problem. AH can be applied to any course content. This learner-centered approach first considers the learning goal(s), then evaluates the user's abilities and determines the individual learning style, to structure and tailor the curriculum most efficiently. The presented AH environment exploits various concepts of AH. The system collects data to create a model of the individual user, which is continuously refined based on test results throughout the course. The system then adapts the learning material dynamically, using active and passive curriculum sequencing and adaptive presentation.

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