
In code-division multiple-access systems transmitting data over time-varying multipath channels, both intersymbol interference (ISI) and multiple-access interference (MAI) arise. In this paper, we address interference suppression, multipath diversity and processing gain protection for multiuser detection with less noise enhancement by using a parallel cancelling scheme. The proposed detector consists of a RAKE filter, forward filter, and feedback filter with different functions for each filter. The RAKE filter increases the signal-to-noise ratio by taking the advantage of multipath and code diversities. The forward filter is proposed, in combination with the feedback filter, to remove the effects of MAI and ISI by parallel cancellation. In order to avoid performance deterioration due to unreliable initial estimation in the parallel cancellation, a cost function with proper weighting is introduced to improve the performance of the proposed detector. In the proposed design method, a recursive least square algorithm is employed to update the tap-coefficients of all filters for MAI and ISI cancellation. Finally, the performance of the proposed detector is analyzed and compared with other detectors.

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