
Long Range (LoRa) is a type of Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology. In LoRa wireless network, the link quality is mainly affected by link interference and radio frequency (RF) parameter. To achieve lower power consumption, the data rate needs to be optimized. The adaptive data rate (ADR) specified by LoRaWAN adjusts the data rate of nodes by modifying the spreading factor (SF) to achieve the effect of reducing energy consumption. However, ADR mechanism is only applicable to the static environment. The effect of ADR is seriously affected by the complex and variable wireless channels. Therefore, based on ADR, this article proposed the Link Quality based ADR (LQ-ADR) mechanism to optimize the node energy consumption while ensuring the reliability of wireless communication. The experiments of this regulation mechanism show that the proposed regulation mechanism can effectively improve the data delivery rate, dynamically select the appropriate communication channel for the nodes, and avoid the occurrence of large-scale data packet loss.

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