
Purpose of research. The article deals with the problem of monitoring water areas in order to control their physical and chemical conditions using a flying laboratory (FL) which includes an aircraft with attachable water intake equipment and a software and hardware system. A specific feature of the monitoring of surface waters is the unpredictable behavior of air and water, periodic absence of visual contact with the aircraft, the uncertainty of tricopter characteristics. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to study the parameters of the control system (CS) to meet the requirements for the accuracy of aircraft positioning in conditions of uncertainty of external parameters. Methods. Theoretical mechanics and robot mechanics methods were used to solve the set tasks. Methods for mathematical modeling of dynamic systems were used to study the patterns of convertiplane movement. Adaptive control with a reference model were used to plan and control the movement of the aircraft. Results. The use of adaptive FL motion control made it possible to ensure convergence to zero of the tracking errors i.e., the difference between the output signals and the reference model. The proposed control system gives a good result with small disturbing effects. The parameters of the regulator that ensure the quality indicators of the ACS within the specified limits are determined. Conclusion. A mathematical model was developed and mathematical modeling of the convertiplane movement under conditions of uncertainty of external influences was performed. The problem of parameter control of a convertiplane was considered when the control coefficients were available for setting. The developed algorithms in the adaptive control system made it possible to provide faster suppression of external disturbances in comparison with the traditional PID control system for the case of a linear description of the controlled object.


  • The article deals with the problem of monitoring water areas

  • which includes an aircraft with attachable water intake equipment

  • A specific feature of the monitoring of surface waters is the unpredictable behavior of air and water

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Постановка задачи мониторинга водоёмов

Рассмотрим задачу мониторинга водных акваторий с целью контроля за её физико-химическим состоянием. В соответствии с ГОСТ Р.3186120122 отбор проб сериями для проведений исследований, отражающих качество (состав и свойства) исследуемой воды, возможен как на различных глубинах, так и на определенной глубине в. Возможно применение двух стратегий полёта ЛЛ к месту отбора пробы: монотонное движение по гладкой траектории с захватом порции жидкости, необходимой для исследования, «на лету» и движение с остановкой и зависанием над заданной областью мониторинга. Так как повышается точность позиционирования ЛЛ, а система управления должна обеспечивать поддержание необходимой высоты центра масс ZC летательного аппарата над поверхностью воды с учетом действия ветровых факторов. Будем рассматривать задачу зависания ЛЛ над областью мониторинга с последующим отбором проб жидкости в условиях непредсказуемости поведения воздушной и водной среды

Описание беспилотного летательного аппарата
Математическое моделирование движения трикоптера
F2 l1 F3 l2
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