
In mesh-based Peer-to-Peer (P2P) live video streaming systems packet scheduling is an important factor in overall video playback quality. In mesh based P2P video streaming systems, each video sequence is divided into chunks, which are then distributed by multiple suppliers to the receivers. The suppliers need to be coordinated by the receiver through specifying a transmission schedule for each of them. Many previous studies on scheduling of P2P streaming tend to mainly focus on networking issues which strongly depend on a particular P2P architecture such as tree or mesh. These algorithms suffer from some design issues: 1) they are too complex to deploy, 2) they do not take video characteristics into account and 3) they do not have sender-side transmission policy. To address all three of these problems, we propose a new chunk scheduling scheme which consists of two parts: i) receiver-side scheduler and ii) sender-side transmission order scheme. The proposed receiver-side scheduler considers the contribution level of each video frame as well as the frame’s urgency in order to define a priority for each video frame. It attempts to request frames with highest priority from peers which can deliver them in a shorter time. We also design a new chunk transmission order scheme that decides which requested chunk will be sent out first based on its importance to the requesting neighbor. Our simulation results show that the proposed scheduling scheme improves the overall quality of the perceived video in mesh-based P2P video streaming architectures substantially.

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