
Developing a dynamic, personalized user interface that changes in real-time in response to user behavior is the goal. This paper supplies a modern method to beautify consumers enjoy using Reinforcement Learning (RL) and a Deep Q Network (DQN). Through support examination, the task objectives are to upgrade buyer connections and increment commitment, delight, and undertaking of consummation rates. Users who utilize traditional user interfaces get a common experience because they're impersonal and unflexible. The potential for higher engagement and happiness levels is limited in the absence of real-time changes based on individual preferences and behaviors. To overcome this problem, the study suggests a cunning technique for a getting-to-comprehend layout that may constantly analyze and modify patron communications. This evaluation is new as it provides a blended RL and DQN framework that modifies person interfaces grade by grade. Dissimilar to conventional methodologies, the proposed form adjusts the utilization of well-known, over-the-top prize moves with the development of the most recent ones through an investigation double-dealing system. EventType, contentId, personId, sensorId, and timestamp are instances of timestamped insights handles that give a thorough skill of client conduct and license planned and nuanced changes.

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