
This paper examines the use of DOCSIS (data over cable service interface specification) in a military environment that uses space ground link interface units (SGLIUs) to extend the DoD's terrestrial networks via multipoint radio communication channels such as line-of-site wireless links (e.g., campus area wireless networks) or over-the-horizon wireless links (e.g., airborne communications relays provided by unmanned aerial vehicles). Results show that the DOCSIS media access control (MAC) protocol is a viable candidate for this wireless application, which can leverage COTS technology in order to reduce the DoD's telecommunications costs. However, some modifications to DOCSIS may be necessary. One example is the error-control methods. DOCSIS currently uses Reed-Solomon coding, whereas military applications might prefer more powerful codes, such as turbo product codes, that perform better in high bit error rate (BER) environments such as active jamming by an adversary.

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