
As global concern shifts from developed countries—many of which have made significant strides towards carbon neutrality—to developing nations, an urgent need arises: how can the latter effectively borrow and adapt strategies that have proven successful in the former? This review thoroughly explores the successes and challenges encountered by developed countries in terms of emission accounting, mitigation strategies, and transitioning to renewable energy sources. We then explore how these strategies can be feasibly integrated into the economic, social, and political contexts of developing countries. Furthermore, this paper highlights the importance of customizing these strategies to the unique challenges and opportunities of developing nations, rather than simply replicating efforts. Through a comparative analysis, we present a roadmap to carbon neutrality that acknowledges the distinct contexts of these developing countries while drawing inspiration from global successes. This approach underscores the necessity of a collaborative, global effort in addressing climate change, recognizing the interconnectedness of all nations in this endeavor. It also sets the stage for future research and policy development that are both locally informed and globally conscious.

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