
The article is devoted to the analysis of separate aspects of legal support of adaptation of agriculture of Ukraine to climate change. The relevance of the study is conditioned upon the fact that global climate change is one of the most acute problems facing humanity today. The aim of the article is to analyse the current state of legal regulation of issues related to the impact of climate change on agriculture at the international, European and national levels, and to develop practical recommendations for implementing measures to adapt to climate change in agriculture. The methodological basis of the study was the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, general scientific (formal-logical, methods of analysis and synthesis) and special-legal method (formal-legal). The article analyses international, European and national legislation governing climate change and its impact on agricultural production. The study found that the most vulnerable to climate change industries is agriculture, which is currently negatively affected by climate trends, which in modern conditions can not be avoided. In this regard, the problem of climate change requires the prioritisation of adaptation measures to minimise losses in agricultural production. At the same time, adaptation involves the creation of new institutions, the introduction of new policies, the inflow of new funds, and, most importantly — new forms of thinking. The need to accelerate the implementation of measures to adapt to climate change in the development of national agricultural policy in parallel with the policy to prevent climate change. Practical recommendations are offered to the state executive bodies on the implementation of tasks related to the adaptation of agriculture to climate change. Emphasis was placed on the need to develop measures aimed at implementing “climate-smart” agriculture in accordance with the Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) system, and preparing zonal recommendations for adapting agricultural production to climate change and combating desertification and drought. The necessity of creation of the system of scientific and methodical support of adaptation of separate subsectors of agriculture and the mechanism of support of realisation of adaptation strategies for separate groups of agricultural commodity producers is defined

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