
The study considered the economic essence of the definition of tax audit as a consulting service provided by an independent audit firm in certain areas of tax accounting, and also substantiated the feasibility of conducting an independent tax audit of the business entity. The current system of regulatory support for conducting a mandatory audit of activities with the subsequent publication of both the entity's financial statements and the corresponding audit report was analyzed. The main possible directions of conducting an independent tax audit by a business entity have been determined. Emphasis is placed on the recommendations given by the Council of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine for conducting an audit in conditions of military aggression in order to avoid accusations of the economic entity in legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal means or financing terrorism. It is substantiated that the professional conduct of an audit requires auditors to know not only the techniques and methods of conducting an audit, conducting an examination of counterparties of a business entity in national or international sanction lists, since the auditor is a special subject of primary financial monitoring. The article provides analytical data of the tax authority regarding the assessed amounts of taxes and fees, and substantiates the expediency of conducting an independent tax audit in certain areas of its activity, in order to avoid financial sanctions that may be applied by the controlling authorities, and also emphasizes the importance of monitoring compliance with payment discipline from paying taxes and fees. It is emphasized that in the conditions of martial law, conducting a tax audit in certain areas becomes extremely relevant, since the violation of tax legislation for a business entity can have an extremely negative impact on its entire economic activity, and in the future even lead to insolvency as a result of additional fines after the end of the grace period or force majeure circumstances, and the presence of significant amounts of overpayments on taxes and fees reflect working capital not actually used by the enterprise for its own development.

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