
The article presents the psychometric characteristics of the Russian version of The Childrens Report of Parental Behavior Inventory, mother and father versions (CRPBI, Schludermann Schludermann, 1988). The questionnaire is designed to study the perception of parental attitudes by children of primary school age and adolescents. The study involved 1060 children, of whom 690 were primary school age children (mean age = 9.26, SD = 1.04, 52.5% boys), and 370 were adolescents (mean age = 13.27, SD = 1.2, 59.5% boys). The structure of the questionnaire was studied using exploratory factor analysis of the correlation matrix of the responses to each statement. The method of the principal components was chosen for the analysis. To confirm the obtained structure of the questionnaire, confirmatory factor analysis was used. In the course of the study, the four-factor structure of the questionnaire was confirmed, with the following scales: Acceptance, Positive involvement, Rejection and Hostile detachment. Satisfactory internal consistency of these scales on both analyzed samples was revealed. The effect of age and sex on the questionnaire scores was estimated on the samples of primary school children and adolescents. In particular, the sex factor was significant for the ‘positive’ scales of maternal attitude with girls rating it higher than boys. For the perception of paternal attitude, the sex factor was significant for three scales of the questionnaire with girls rating the paternal attitude higher than boys on the ‘positive’ scales – Acceptance and Positive involvement, and boys rating it higher than girls on Rejection.

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