
An article of philological orientation, as it is a discursive analysis of the text of scientific style. Educational and scientific text is considered as a system of subtexts. Each subtext implements its cognitive task in the text. The purpose of the article is to study the essence of adaptation of the educational-scientific text to the educationalpedagogical situation. The article reveals the scope of the concept of “subtext of old knowledge”. Scientific novelty. Educational and scientific text is a kind of scientific style. This originality is expressed in the content complexity of information, complication or simplification of the text structure. It is noted that the educational and scientific text focuses on the mass of the recipient of information, and that is why it is variable in volume. In the texts of the textbooks we study there is a simplified presentation of scientific material that removes meaningful difficulties, while the form of the secondary text does not differ much from the form of the derived text. As a conclusion, the article emphasizes the basic principles of the concept of “subtext of old knowledge” in the educational and scientific text. Ways of adaptation of the subtext of old knowledge to age and psychological features of pupils are allocated and analyzed. Textbooks on theoretical grammar of Slavic, Romance and Germanic languages from the standpoint of adaptation of the subtext of old knowledge are analyzed.

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