
Objective: The aim of this study was to adapt the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) to Turkish and test its reliability and validity.Methods: The methodological study was conducted in maternity ward of Iğdır State Hospital between the dates of 15.06.2016-15.09.2016. All of the women in the maternity ward that had given birth formed the population of the study. The study was completed by interviewing 219 volunteer women that are suitable for the criteria before making a sampling choice. Validity and reliability analysis, language and content validity, and explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis were tested by using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.Results: The language validity of the BSS-R was provided by the translation-retranslation method, later its content validity was provided by making necessary changes in the direction of opinions of specialists. The scale in its final form was applied to women in the sample group after making pre-application. The factor analysis of scale was evaluated by explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis. It was obtained that factor load distribution of scale changes between 0.593-0.899 and keeps the three-dimensional structure it’s in original form. Factor load distribution of BSS-R of scale changes between 0.593-0.899 and keeps three-dimensional structure as its original form. Fit index values were found as x2/SD value 2.06, RMSEA 0.070, CFI 0.95, SRMR 0.078, GFI 0.93, AGFI 0.89 and NFI 0.92. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the 10-item BSS-R was 0.72, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficients of its sub-dimensions were between 0.70 and 0.78.Conclusion: It was obtained that BSS-R which was adapted to Turkish is a reliable, valid and suitable measurement instrument means for Turkish culture.

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