
espanolResumen Este articulo presenta los resultados del analisis de propiedades psicometricas del Test de Alfabetizacion Economica y Financiera (TAEF-E) tras su aplicacion en 811 estudiantes de secundaria de nueve establecimientos educativos de las ciudades de Santiago (48.6%) y Temuco (51.4%) y cuya muestra tuvo una participacion del 52.5% de mujeres. Para el estudio, se aplicaron tres escalas: El TAEF-E, la Escala de Susceptibilidad a la influencia de los pares en el consumo y la Escala de Actitud hacia el materialismo para adolescentes, logrando demostrar niveles optimos de consistencia interna, adecuada validez factorial con una estructura unidimensional y correlaciones significativas con variables sociodemograficas y actitudinales, que permiten ratificar en su conjunto, la validez y confiabilidad del TAEF-E como instrumento para medir la alfabetizacion economica y financiera en estudiantes de secundaria. EnglishAbstract This article presents the results of the analysis of psychometric properties of the Economic and Financial Literacy Test (TAEF-E) after its application in 811 high school students from nine educational establishments in the cities of Santiago (48.6%) and Temuco (51.4%) and whose sample had a 52.5% participation of women. For the study, three scales were applied: TAEF-E, the Scale of Susceptibility to the influence of peers in consumption and the Attitude Scale towards materialism for adolescents, managing to demonstrate optimal levels of internal consistency, adequate factor validity with a one-dimensional structure and significant correlations with sociodemographic and attitudinal variables, which allow to ratify as a whole, the validity and reliability of TAEF-E as an instrument to measure economic and financial literacy in secondary school students.

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