
When environments differentially influence male and female performance, environmental sex determination (ESD) might evolve. The conclusion from several previous theoretical models was that reaction norms for sex determination should have a single, sharp threshold, with only females being produced in some environments and only males in others. These reaction norms can be disadvantageous in fluctuating environments, however, because they lead to sex-ratio fluctuations. We analysed the evolution of ESD, looking for equilibrium strategies in unconstrained as well as constrained strategy spaces. We identified situations where a single-threshold reaction norm is not evolutionarily stable. In these cases, we found stable strategies in the form of complex reaction norms, showing an oscillatory pattern of sex determination with respect to variation in an environmental variable. Considering that constraints could prevent such phenotypes from being realized, we found that certain randomized reaction norms, with probabilistic sex determination for a range of environments, would achieve nearly the same fitness. We also investigated reaction norms constrained to have a single threshold and found that genetic polymorphism in the environmental threshold value could evolve, producing a similar effect as a randomized reaction norm. We argue that the appearance of genetic variation can be regarded as an alternative outcome when constraints prevent the evolution of a more complex or a randomized strategy.

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