
Title: Adaptation to Spanish population an instrument of moral judgments: Moores battery of moral dilemmas Abstract: The cognitive and emotional neuropsychological processes un- derlying moral judgments are the focus of groundbreaking research in un- derstanding moral cognition. The aim of this study is to adapt to Spanish the moral dilemmas battery of Moore. This battery presents a set of moral dilemmas from a utilitarian choice (assuming an emotionally aversive be- haviour for a higher benefit) and a non-utilitarian choice. The study in- volved 154 university students who were given the Spanish version of Moores battery. We researching three types of dilemmas: moral- personal (oneself performs the aversive action, increasing the emotional charge), impersonal-moral (the action is carried out indirectly, decreasing the emotional charge) and non-moral. The dependent variables were the proportion of affirmative answers, which reflect utilitarian choices, and the perceived difficulty to produce the judgments. The results showed good psychometric properties and significant differences in the proportion of af- firmative answers and the difficulty depending on the type of dilemma, the moral-personal dilemmas generated fewer utilitarian choices and judgments with more difficulty. In conclusion, the Spanish version of Moore's bat- tery allows measuring reliably the moral judgments, discriminating be- tween different patterns of choice depending on the emotional charge, so it is postulated as a potentially useful instrument for assessing popula- tions with impaired decision-making related to emotional processing.

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