
There are several continuing challenges within the health care domain. On the one hand, there is a greater need for individualized, patient-oriented processes in diagnostics, therapy, nursing, and administration, and on the other hand, hospitals have extremely distributed decision processes and strong local (individual) autonomy with a high degree of situational dynamics. This research focuses on developing an information system that can substantially increase the efficiency of hospital process management. We present a system for agent-based simulation and support for clinical processes. In particular, we describe the architecture of the system and its functionalities and the integration of existing Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA), DICOM, and HL7 standards. We discuss an example scenario for clinical trials to illustrate how the system supports distributed clinical process management. This system interacts with other multiagent systems within the Agent.Hospital framework and hospital information systems (HISs) in the eHealth Lab. This research is part of the German Priority Research Program (SPP) 1083, Intelligent Agents and Their Application in Business Scenarios.

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