
Preface 1. Adams Vision The Division of Labor The Theory of Value Capital Accumulation The Invisible Hand and the State Smith's Theory of Money Adam's Fallacy Revisited 2. Gloomy Science Second Thoughts Malthus and Population The Context of Malthus's Essay Malthus's Postulates Malthusian Logic Population and Food since Malthus's Time Ricardo and the Limits to Growth Ricardo's Labor Theory of Value Accumulation and the Stationary State Ricardo's Views on Machinery The Political Economy of Poverty 3. The Severest Critic Historical Materialism The Commodity and the Theory of Value Capitalist Exploitation Accumulation and the Falling Rate of Profit Primitive Accumulation The Transition to Socialism Marx and Proletarian Revolution Marxist Theory and Social Change 4. On the Margins Adam's Fallacy Needs New Shoes Marginalism Where Do Prices Come From? Marginalism and Social Welfare Marginalism and Time Veblen and Conspicuous Consumption 5. Voices in the Air John Maynard Keynes World Capitalism in Keynes's Time Say's Law and Laissez-Faire Labor Markets and Unemployment Expectations and Money The Fate of Capitalism Complexity vs. Collectivism The Prophet of Technology 6. Grand Illusions Looking in the Mirror Two-Armed Economists Escaping Adam's Fallacy Face to Face with Adam's Curse Reading Further Appendix Demographic Equilibrium Theories of Money and Prices Ricardo's Theory of Rent and Accumulation Decomposition of the Value of Commodities The Working Day Index

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