
New LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb geochronology, whole‐rock major and trace element geochemistry data, and petrographic observations are presented for three granitic dykes in the Changlingzi area of NE China. These data provide precise age and petrogenesis information with respect to the late Palaeozoic–Mesozoic intrusions in the area, which further constrain the geodynamic evolution of the southern Great Xing'an Range. Our zircon U–Pb data denote that the felsic dykes were emplaced during the Late Permian (~254 Ma) and Late Jurassic (143–142 Ma). Geochemically, the Late Permian monzonite porphyries are characterized by high Al2O3 (16.52–16.92 wt%) and Sr (490–579 ppm) contents and low Yb (0.52–0.57 ppm), Y (5.7–6.3 ppm), and heavy rare earth element (HREE) contents, which indicate an adakitic affinity. The Late Jurassic felsic dykes are characterized by high FeOt/MgO (8.2–11.9) and Ga/Al (3.3–3.8) ratios, high zircon saturation temperatures (888–929°C), and remarkable negative Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0.25–0.42) anomalies, indicating they are akin to A‐type granites. The Late Permian adakitic magma resulted from the partial melting of thickened lower crust, and was formed during collisional orogenesis related to subduction of Palaeo‐Asian Ocean crust. The Late Jurassic A‐type magmas were probably generated by the partial melting of amphibolite‐facies lower crustal materials. The melting occurred in response to the upwelling of asthenospheric material caused by collapse of thickened crust, due to gravitational instability during closure of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean. Subsequently, the latest stage of magmatic activity in this area and elsewhere in NE China was controlled mainly by subduction of Palaeo‐Pacific Ocean crust.

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