
Adaawk is oral history shared through the reflections of the first offering of a Gitxsan rural nursing practice course in follow up to the publication Otsin: Sharing the spirit of an indigenous nursing practice course development. In the spirit of adaawk, the Gitxsan’s reflections of the Gitxsan nursing practice course are themed using the metaphor of a totem pole. Each concept, and partnerships are integral to the development of a totem that reflects the adaawk. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how the co-creation of relational concepts with the community strengthens preceptor, student and community partnerships for improved preceptor support and student learning outcomes. The author’s reflections demonstrate how the rural Gitxsan nursing practice experience informs the co-creation of cultural safety knowledge. Further, the experience provides a safe forum for students to practice cultural safety and relational practice. It allows students to co-create innovative patient outcomes within rural and community nursing practice context reflecting a two-eyed seeing approach. Students give back to communities through facilitated student placements in leadership/community health nursing for a fourth year nursing practice project with Gitxsan and rural communities in follow up to their third year practice. Authentic community partnerships and co-creation are foundational to enacting relational practice to nursing practice course development, consultation, and cultural safety practice. Learning outcomes of the course are revised to strengthen the parts of the totem and ultimately the essence of adaawk.

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