
Beyond being a term in economics, poverty is a reality with which individuals and societies try to come up by developing some methods and which also determines their life styles. Through artistic works, the term poverty can be converted either into a reality which reflects people and their living conditions or into a theme to do a social criticism. She has made drawings of poor people in her paintings such as Konfeksiyon İşçisi (A Worker in Clothing Industry), Berber Çırağı (Apprentice in Barber Shop), Plastik Çiçek Satıcısı (Seller of Plastic Flowers), Cikletçi (Gum Seller), Saltanat (Sultanate), Ağbi Gazete (Brother Newspaper). These paintings exhibit part of the urban life. In this vein, Neş’e Erdok uncovers this difference by presenting a view of the city in which people of different statues and classes live together. This study deals with how the theme of poverty in terms of rural and urban regions is treated in Turkish painting through the perspectives of Neşet Günal and Neş’e Erdok.

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