
Bu calismanin amaci, cagdas Turk cocuk edebiyatinin gelisim cizgisini betimlemektir. Bu amacla, 1914-2008 tarihleri arasinda yayimlanan cocuk kitaplarindan 52 tanesi uzman gorusune basvurularak donemsel ozellikleri yansitma onceligine gore secilmistir. Secilen bu kitaplar, cocuk edebiyatinin temel degiskenleri (konu, ileti, kahraman, dil ve anlatim) baglaminda incelenmistir. Inceleme sonucunda asagidaki bulgu ve sonuclara ulasilmistir: 1930’larda kahramanlik, ulusal degerler ve egitim; 1960’larda toplumculuk, dayanisma ve toplumsal degerler; 1980 sonrasinda duygular, doga ve cocuk, cocuk edebiyati urunlerinin konulari arasinda siralanabilir. 1930’larda iyi yurttas olma, 1960’larda dayanisma bilincini gelistirme, 1980 sonrasinda mutlu olma, bireysellesme gibi ogelere dayanan iletiler belirginlesmistir. Bu baglamda kahramanlarda da benzer degisimler saptanmistir. Ote yandan 1930’larda dil ve anlatimda, Dil Devriminin etkisi acikca gorulmektedir. 1930 sonrasi da ayni etkiden soz etmek olanaklidir. Sonuc olarak 1914’ten 2008’e cagdas Turk cocuk edebiyatinda “gelisim” olarak nitelendirilebilecek belirgin bir degisim cizgisinin varligindan soz edilebilir. Abstract The purpose of this research is to describe the line of development of the modern Turkish children’s literature. To this end, 52 of the children’s books that were published between 1914 and 2008 were selected based on expert opinion by giving priority to those that reflect the characteristics of the period. The selected books were examined in terms of the basic variables (topic, message, character, language and expression) of children’s literature. As a result of the examination, the following findings and results were obtained: Heroism, national values and education in the 1930s; socialism, solidarity and national values in the 1960s; and emotions, nature and child in the post-1980 period can be listed among the topics of children’s literature products. The messages come into focus which are based on such elements as good citizenship in the 1930s; the development of the sense of solidarity in the 1960s; and happiness and individualization in the post-1980 period. In this respect, similar changes are detected in characters as well. On the other hand, the effect of the Language Reform can be obviously seen on language and expression in the 1930s. It is also possible to talk about the same effect in the post-1930 period. As a result, it can be said that there exist a remarkable line of change that can be characterized as “development” in modern Turkish children’s literature from 1914 to 2008.

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