
Ada is a high level language, designed for implementing large embedded systems. It became an ANSI standard in 1983 and in 1У88 the Ada .Joint Program Office established the ADA-9Х project for the revision of the /Vda standard. One of the specific areas addressed by the revision team deals with requirements posed by real-time applications and introduces a now building block for real-time Ada: the protected record. Protected records provide a low level data-oriented synchronization mechanism and are a primary support, for real-time systems. They can be used to efficiently program solutions for real-time problems such as mut ual exclusion, conditionally shared data, counting semaphores and signals. This paper compares two different approaches for the solution of a classical real-time problem: conditional critical regions. The first solution uses AdaJSd tasking and tin* second one uses Ada9X protected records .finally we will discuss the runt inte support and some implementation issues for protected records on multiprocessor target systems.

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