
Intensive continuing research has been noticed among scholars in the literature with a particular appreciable interest in developing new enhanced variants for the long-standing Random Early Detection (RED) algorithm. Contemporary trends shows that researchers continue to follow a research line thereby exchanging the linear curve needed in RED with nonlinear curves. Several reports have shown that RED’s sole linear function is insufficiently powered for managing rising degrees of traffic congestion in the network. In this paper, Amended Dropping – Random Early Detection (AD-RED), a revised version of RED is presented. AD-RED algorithm consists in combining two nonlinear packet dropping functions: quadratic plus exponential. What’s more, results from ns-3 simulator shows that AD-RED reasonably stabilized and minified the (average) queue size; and obtained a whittled down end-to-end delay when compared with RED itself and another variant of RED. Hence, AD-RED is offered as a fully sufficient replacement for RED’s algorithm implementation in routers.

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