
Three anthocyanins have been isolated from the leaves of the water lily, Nymphaéa × marliacea. Even though the lability of the two major anthocyanins was high, especially the linkage between the acetic acid and the galactose moieties, it was possible by means of homo- and heteronuclear two-dimensional NMR techniques and electrospray mass spectrometry to give the full structures of the novel pigments; delphinidin 3- O(2″- O-galloyl-6″- O-acetyl- β-galactopyranoside) (69%) and delphinidin 3- O-(6″- O-acetyl- β-galactopyranoside) (24%). The third anthocyanin (1.5%) was identified as delphinidin 3- O- β-galactopyranoside. Diacylation including gallic acid as one acyl moiety has previously not been reported for any flavonoid, and this is the first report of a 2″,6″-diacylated anthocyanin involving an aliphatic acid.

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