
Although the rate limiting step in mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation, catalyzed by carnitine palmitoyl transferase I (CPTI), utilizes long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs (LCFA-CoA) as a substrate, how LCFA-CoA is transferred to CPTI remains elusive. Based on secondary structural predictions and conserved tryptophan residues, the cytoplasmic C-terminal domain was hypothesized to be the LCFA-CoA binding site and important for interaction with cytoplasmic LCFA-CoA binding/transport proteins to provide a potential route for LCFA-CoA transfer. To begin to address this question, the cytoplasmic C-terminal region of liver CPTI (L-CPTI) was recombinantly expressed and purified. Data herein showed for the first time that the L-CPTI C-terminal 89 residues were sufficient for high affinity binding of LCFA-CoA (K (d) = 2-10 nM) and direct interaction with several cytoplasmic LCFA-CoA binding proteins (K (d) < 10 nM), leading to enhanced CPTI activity. Furthermore, alanine substitutions for tryptophan in L-CPTI (W391A and W452A) altered secondary structure, decreased binding affinity for LCFA-CoA, and almost completely abolished L-CPTI activity, suggesting that these amino acids may be important for ligand stabilization necessary for L-CPTI activity. Moreover, while decreased activity of the W452A mutant could be explained by decreased binding of lipid binding proteins, W391 itself seems to be important for activity. These data suggest that both interactions with lipid binding proteins and the peptide itself are important for optimal enzyme activity.

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