
Glycol nucleic acid (GNA) is an acyclic nucleic acid analog connected via phosphodiester bonds. Crystal structures of RNA-GNA chimeric duplexes indicated that nucleotides of the right-handed (S)-GNA were better accommodated in the right-handed RNA duplex than were the left-handed (R)-isomers. GNA nucleotides adopt a rotated nucleobase orientation within all duplex contexts, pairing with complementary RNA in a reverse Watson-Crick mode, which explains the inabilities of GNA C and G to form strong base pairs with complementary nucleotides. Transposition of the hydrogen bond donor and acceptor pairs using novel (S)-GNA isocytidine and isoguanosine nucleotides resulted in stable base-pairing with the complementary G and C ribonucleotides, respectively. GNA nucleotide or dinucleotide incorporation into an oligonucleotide increased resistance against 3'-exonuclease-mediated degradation. Consistent with the structural observations, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) modified with (S)-GNA had greater in vitro potencies than identical sequences containing (R)-GNA. (S)-GNA is well tolerated in the seed regions of antisense and sense strands of a GalNAc-conjugated siRNA in vitro. The siRNAs containing a GNA base pair in the seed region had in vivo potency when subcutaneously injected into mice. Importantly, seed pairing destabilization resulting from a single GNA nucleotide at position 7 of the antisense strand mitigated RNAi-mediated off-target effects in a rodent model. Two GNA-modified siRNAs have shown an improved safety profile in humans compared with their non-GNA-modified counterparts, and several additional siRNAs containing the GNA modification are currently in clinical development.

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