
Acute whole-body vibration (WBV) is known to enhance neuromuscular activation. Especially mechanisms which act presynaptically are discussed to be involved in this modulation, but evidence is still limited. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate if 2min of WBV might impact the premotoneuronal mechanism of post-activation depression (PAD). PAD in m. soleus was assessed by paired-pulse stimulation in 28 healthy participants prior, 2min, 4min and 10min after 2min of side-alternating WBV (10Hz, 2mm). Methodologies involved electromyography (m. soleus, m. tibialis anterior) and goniometric recordings (ankle, knee joint). H-reflexes were elicited with peripheral nerve stimulation and assessed by means of conditioned H-reflexes (ISI 1s, Hcond) versus control H-reflexes (ISI10, H). Hcond/H was significantly enhanced by +55% (2min), +32% (4min) and+35% (10min) following WBV (P<0.05). Baseline muscle activity and joint positions were shown to be reliable (Cronbach's α values >0.990) throughout the testing procedure. Vibratory-induced spinal inhibition is accompanied by diminished PAD at the presynaptic terminals which interconnect the Ia afferents with the α-motoneuron. Functionally, the PAD reduction might explain enhanced motor performance following vibration therapy, but future studies will be needed to verify this assumption.

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