
The Koi fish (Cyprinus carpio) is an ornamental fish that is in high demand by the public today. Its beauty, variety of colors, and patterns. Importantly, the fact that according to local belief, koi will deliver good fortunes for the owner. It makes Koi an ideal ornamental fish. Due to the high interest in koi fish, many cultivators especially in the enlargement process see the potential and the profitable business opportunity in it. And in this business, the distribution process is a really important part. But unfortunately, in many cases, this process can cause a high mortality rate. And using anesthetic during the distribution process was expected to reduce the mortality rate of the fish. In this research, peppermint oil (Mentha arvensis) is used as the substance which is known to consist of menthol. And in previous studies, menthol can cause anesthetic effects on the fishes. The research was held from 13 February to 23 March 2023 at the Mijen Fish Seed Center, Semarang, Central Java. The method I have been using was a Completely Randomized Design Method (CRD Method) using 4 treatments with 3 repetitions. The treatment given was the addition of peppermint oil at a dose of A 0 ml/L, B 0.02 ml/L, C 0.04 ml/L, and D 0.06 ml/L. The number of samples tested was 84 fry with a size of 8-10 cm with a density are 7 fish/2 liters of water. The results showed that the addition of peppermint oil (Mentha arvensis) had a significant effect (P<0.05) on induction time, recovery time, glucose, and survival rate, but did not have a significant effect (P>0.05) on leukocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and hematocrit. The best results were obtained in treatment C 0.04 ml/L with an average induction time are 18 minutes and a recovery time are 6 minutes 91 seconds, the survival rate of the fish was 85.71% and the blood profile was still normal.

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