
This article combines an overview of acute stress disorder (ASD) in the context of the pandemic period for Coronaviruses, collected through literature screening by Google Scholar. The article discusses what aspects of the diagnostic criteria for ASD have been changed from DSM-IV to DSM-V and the history of the diagnosis and summarizes the possible risk factors that contribute to ASD. Among the controversial issues related to PTSD, dissociative symptoms and ASD as a predictor of PTSD are among the more controversial issues. Among the treatment options for ASD, non-pharmacological treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) have generally been used to help patients with ASD. However, research on pharmacological treatments for ASD is particularly scarce. So finally, the article provides suggested research directions for ASD as pharmacotherapy and pathology. The article suggests that in the future, we can go deeper into research about the role of dissociative symptoms in ASD. Overall, one could be in a better position to understand this disease associated with trauma and stressors.

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