
Renal distribition of prostaglandin synthetase is mainly medullary, whereas the major degrading enzyme, prostaglandin dehydrogenase is primarily cortical. This suggests that prostaglandins (PG) released from the renal medulla could affect the medullary blood vessels. In two different experiments we studied the role of PG in the regulation of renal papillary plasma flow in the rat. First study: PG synthesis were stimulated in 34 adult Sprague-Dawley rats by bleeding from the femoral artery 1% of the body weight over a period of 10 minutes. Following this, indomethacin (a PG inhibitor, 10 mg/kg i.v.) was given slowly and then renal papillary plasma flow was measured 25 minutes after the end of infusion. In 17 indomethacin rats the renal papillary plasma flow averaged 18.8 ml/100 g/ minute, whereas it averaged 23.0 in 17 non-indomethacin rats given diluent, and 18% reduction (p < 0.25). Second study: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were made prostaglanding deficient by fasting rats for one week, followed by 10% dextrose fluid for one week and subsequent institution of an essential fatty acid (EFA) deficient diet for two weeks. With urinary PG excretion in prostaglandin deficient rats 28 ng/24 hours compared to 149 ng in control rats, they could be considered as prostaglandin deficient. When renal papillary plasma flow was measured, the 16 prostaglandin defecient rats had a 16% lower papillary plasma flow than 16 control rats, 21.6 vs 25.6 (p < .005). These results clearly demonstrate that PG inhibition in rats decreases plasma flow to the papilla, strongly suggesting that PG are vasodilators for the vessels supplying the renal papilla.

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