
The occurrence of acute pancreatitis due to obstruction of the pancreatic ducts by a duodenal peri-Vaterine diverticulum is very unusual. Edwards,<sup>1,2</sup>in 1939, stated that there was no authentic autopsy description of pancreatitis caused by the pressure of a diverticulum of the duodenum on the pancreatic duct. Ogilvie,<sup>3</sup>in his review, cited five such cases from the literature and added three of his own. The English and American literature is lacking in specific reports of this entity from 1941 through 1957. Hoffman,<sup>4</sup>Cattell and Mudge,<sup>5</sup>and Warren and Emery<sup>6</sup>listed acute pancreatitis as a complication of duodenal diverticula. The second portion of the duodenum is the portion which most frequently contains diverticula (66% of the cases).<sup>4</sup>Most of these present on the medial concave border of the duodenum and protrude into the pancreatic tissue. Duodenal diverticula, as well as acute pancreatitis, can occur in

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