
A number of cases of acute laryngotracheobronchitis have appeared in the literature in recent years. This is a report of a case of recovery from this disease occurring in a 5 week old infant who required tracheotomy. The prognosis in such a case is unfavorable. This patient is the youngest to recover from acute laryngotracheobronchitis of those reported on in the contemporary literature. <h3>REPORT OF CASE</h3> <i>History</i>.—P. G., a white female infant of 5 weeks, was admitted to the Parkview Hospital of Pueblo, Colo., on April 22, 1941, with the chief complaint of difficulty in breathing. <i>History</i>.—The patient was a normal, full term infant, whose birth weight was 3,390 Gm. (7 pounds 1 ounce). She was breast fed and showed normal progress until the fourth week, when a nasal discharge and diarrhea developed. A nipple shield had been used in nursing because of the mother's cracked nipples. The infant was

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