
Cannabis is one of the most present and easily accessible narcotics in the world. The responsibility of cannabis in these consumers in the occurrence of psychiatric and neuropsychiatric effects has been demonstrated by researchers for a long time, but in recent decades it has been indexed in the occurrence of somatic events, notably cardiovascular. We will report the case of a young patient aged 29, with no pathological history; hospitalized in the vascular surgery department of the CHU Hassan II for ischemic stroke and acute ischemia of the right upper limb after the consumption of cannabis. The etiological research of these clinical events orients us to direct the responsibility of cannabis whose consumption emerged during the anamnesis in our patient, after the elimination of all possible etiologies that may be responsible for the clinical events. This case highlights the possible involvement of cannabis in the occurrence of stroke and acute ischemia of the limb in a young subject without any cardiovascular risk factors. Note that the responsibility of cannabis in the occurrence of ischemic stroke is well known but its responsibility in the occurrence of acute limb ischemia has not been reported in any literature.

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