
An afebrile 8-year-old Japanese girl was referred with hypotensive shock and respiratory distress. She presented with a cough of 1-week duration followed by lethargy, dyspnea, and anuria, with which she was admitted to a previous hospital. She was intubated and given intravenous catecholamines, which did not improve her symptoms. Then, she was transferred to our hospital. Physical examination revealed a right arm blood pressure of 128/64 mm Hg and a left arm blood pressure of 94/56 mm Hg while on 4.6 μg/kg per min of dopamine and dobutamine. However, no blood pressure was obtained in the lower limbs. The heart sounds were distant with no murmur audible. Coarse crackles were prominent in both lungs. Laboratory data showed the following values: creatine kinase of …

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