
The case herein described is of interest because of the development of a paralysis agitans syndrome almost immediately following an attack of acute epidemic encephalitis. It is of further interest because the condition lasted only a short time, and has not recurred in two years. REPORT OF CASE History. —L. F., a Jewish boy, aged 15, entered the Philadelphia Orthopedic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases, Nov. 26, 1924, complaining of pain, twitching and stiffness in his right shoulder and arm. The family history is unimportant. Both parents were alive and in good health, and the patient was the second in a family of four. His birth and development had been entirely normal. While not particularly bright in his school work, he had done very well and at the time of entrance to the hospital he was in his first year of high school. He was an active youngster, fond

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