
The role of chatbots in healthcare is to help free-up valuable physician-time by reducing or eliminating unnecessary doctor’s appointments. As the increase in cost, various healthcare organizations are looking for different ways to manage cost while improving the user’s experience. As we know there is shortage of healthcare professionals that makes it increasingly necessary for us to augment technology with health facilities in order to allow doctors to focus on more critical patient needs. Keeping this in Mind we are aiming to develop a Project that will basically ask for Symptoms from the Patient and perform the Prognosis on the basis of already developed dataset. The Machine Learning Algorithm will work on that dataset of symptoms and their prognosis to tell exactly what has happened to the Patient and will help to Reach the Desired Consultant/Doctor with respect to the Prognosis. It will also help the Patients to get Useful Information regarding different diseases that may help to deal with some Chronic Diseases at an early Stage!’

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