
We hereby report a case of a young Ukrainian woman refugee who immigrated in Italy after the war outbreak in February 2022. The researcher arrived in Italy in March 2022, thanks to a scholarship of the University of L'Aquila. Shortly after settling in L'Aquila, she started to manifest depressive symptoms, which eventually led her to seek psychological and pharmacological help in the local psychiatric unit. In April 2022, she accessed twice in a week to the emergency department of the "San Salvatore" Hospital of L'Aquila. The second time she presented an acute anxiety attack accompanied by psychomotor disturbances (negativism, mutism) that eventually required admission to the local psychiatric ward (Servizio Psichiatrico di Diagnosi e Cura - SPDC) with the aim of managing the clinical presentation from a pharmacological and psychotherapeutic perspective. The patient submitted a series of validated scales in her own language. After 13 days of hospitalization, the patient was discharged with a diagnosis of "Acute Depressive Disorder, mild severity", according to PHQ-9, and referred to psychiatric services with a dedicated program. The present report aims to underline the need to take into consideration the possibility of developing depressive symptoms and reactions among Ukrainian war refugees and, in light of this evidence, the importance of a cross-country shared program when addressing the mental health of all refugees.

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