
Kimura’s disease is a chronic infl ammatory disease producing subcutaneous tumor-like nodules chiefl y in the head and neck region. It is characterized histologically by lymphoid follicles, intense aggregations of eosinophils, vascular proliferation and fi brosis combined with peripheral blood eosinophilia. We report a 56-year-old man who presented with dysarthria and right hemiparesis. On physical examination, a non-ender mass 5 × 6 cm was identifi ed in the right submandibular area. He was diagnosed with Kimura’s disease by biopsy. One month after admission, he complained of paresthesia in the left lower extremity. CT angiography revealed thromobosis in the left femoral vein and bilateral pulmonary embolism. To our knowledge, the concomitant occurrence of acute cerebral infarction, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in patients with Kimura’s disease has never been reported. Eosinophil-derived cytotoxic proteins are presumed to be fundamental to the pathogenesis of these disorders in Kimura’s disease. (Korean J Stroke 2011;13:85-88)

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