
Introduction: Aortic dissection is one of the most fatal vascular emergencies. Almost 40% of the patients do not reach hospital in time while more than quarter die in the first 24 hours after the dissection begins. Case Report: A 37-year old man was admitted to our hospital with severe anterior chest pain which had lasted for over a week. Suspected aortic dissection was rapidly confirmed using imaging modalities - MDCT chest scan and TTE, followed by an urgent surgical management - Bentall procedure. MDCT chest scan also discovered adrenal incidentaloma defined as malignant, pheochromocytoma like mass. Due to the critical state of the patient, there was not enough time for further endocrinologic testing. Discussion and conclusion: When treating patients with pheochromocytoma and acute aortic disection, it is crucial to obtain a stable hemodynamic state before the surgery, since they can trigger a severe hypertensive crisis due to high levels of cathecholamines induced chronic vasoconctriction. The most vulnerable periods are the induction of anesthesia and perioperative hemodynamic oscillations, so treating patients with short acting alpha- 1 adrenergic blocking agents preoperatively has proven to be helpful - Phentolamine. Both dissection of aorta and pheochromocytoma present challenges for anesthesiologists and early recognition of symptoms is essential in establishing the diagnosis and reducing the mortality rate.


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Feohromocitom je, baš kao i sama disekcija aorte, jedan od najvećih „imitatora“ u medicini[2,3]. Muškarac star 37 godina hitno je premešten na naš Institut iz lokalne bolnice, zbog sumnje na disekciju aorte. Bolesnik je na prijemu bio svestan, spontanog disanja, eupnoičan, hemodinamski i ritmički stabilan, hipertenzivan (BP 170/84 mmHg, HR 75/min). Učinjen je MDCT pregled grudnog koša i abdomena, kojim je potvrđena disekcija aorte tip A po Stanfordu (Slike 1, 2, 3).

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