
The objective of this investigation was to characterize organismic, organ and mitochondrial alterations in rats over the course of 27 days at 0.4 atm. In the adjustment phase (day 1 through 5) a significant decrease in systemic oxygen uptake and body weight (23% of pre-altitude values) occurred. In the acclimating state (day 7 to 27) body weight was regained but oxygen consumption remained depressed. Hematocrit increased hyperbolically from 45% in 0-day rats to 79% in 27-day rats. Liver, kidney and heart weights and total organ protein paralleled the changes observed in body weight. Total organ succinic dehydrogenase activity showed a wave-like oscillation for liver and kidney; activity was decreased in both organs by day 5, showed a transient but significant increase on days 16 through 18 and a return to diminished activity on day 27. Succinic dehydrogenase activity for heart became depressed in the adjustment phase but showed a stable level comparable to pre-altitude values in the accliminating phase, days 7 through 27. Liver mitochondrial protein mass was unchanged from pre-altitude values on days 5 and 27 even though succinic dehydrogenase activity was significantly depressed. Therefore, the changes in succinic dehydrogenase activity are not representative of altered mitochondrial mass but suggest that mitochondrial function was altered.

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