
Experimental data about the physiogeny at 603 military men and penal system officers are given in various climatic conditions of Russia, Transcaucasia (Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia) and Afghanistan and at 604 young men entering the military university. Homeostatic ranges of physiogeny adjustment at physiogenic losses in the meridian functional systems of the military personnel, penal system officers in extreme conditions are determined by the electropuncture method. Protective adaptive reactions of eight degrees are revealed by the standardized method of personality research and by the «adaptability»” scale. Discriminant decisive rules on the reference of physiogenic losses to the 1-8th degrees of protective adaptive reactions in boundary mental conditions are applied. Decisive rules establish threshold levels of normal mental state without the loss (the 1st degree), of liminal with latent one (the2nd and 3 degrees) and borderline mental state with obvious (the 4-8th disadaptation degrees) losses. Patients with symptoms are sorted by simple calculation with the use of computer equipment at the reduction of time up to 5 min. for one patient according to eight degrees of protective adaptive reactions for acupuncture performing. Methods of the discriminant analysis are perspective for the solution of diagnostics and medical sorting problems. Reliability of establishment of the correct diagnosis of physiogeny considering physiogenic losses without resorting to other diagnostic methods makes 70-95%. Acupuncture correction of physiogenic losses activates reactions of homeostasis restoration. This physiological correction leads to the transition of physiogeny in limits of the normal mental state of the 1st degree and liminal condition of the 2nd and 3rd degrees of reactions of homeostasis restoration.

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