
The article deals with the study of aspects of the actualization of the motion concept within the English railway transport discourse. It reveals the notion of concept actualization, identifies lexical means of its actualization, presents lexicographic and contextual analysis. It proves the thesis about the multifaceted and multilayered organization of this macro-concept, covering all transport areas. The linguistic means objectifying the concept convey a wide range of meanings. The core of the concept is formed by the verbs of motion, reflecting the direct physical movement of a subject or object in space. The verbs contain a nuclear seme and some additional characteristics of movement. The verbs of movement mainly contain the seme of a vector, regular, controlled movement, movement with the application of certain efforts, movement focused on the hauling some objects. The specificity of the research material allows us to see the conceptual features of movement in a professional environment. The motion concept acquires additional features, based on the fact that movement becomes an aspect of commercial activity that requires the involvement of various kinds of resources, a socially significant factor for the whole society, ensuring both proper functioning of not only the transport, but also the economic industry. The motion concept can be represented as a macro concept that combines other basic concepts. Blurring, fuzziness of boundaries between concepts is manifested in diffuseness, that is, in the ability of some components of one concept to participate in the creation of another.

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