
The article is devoted to the problems of the modern family faced with the complicated challenges of the XXI century in post-secular society.
 In place of the religious world order, which regulated family relations for millenia, based on unchanging religious dogmas, a new era comes, which strongly refuses religious consecration of marriage and family, in a new way constituting the relations of secular state and church, desacralizes morality. The secular gradually covers the family and family ties, partly solving prejudiced problems of inequality of articles and generations, inequalities of social roles, and so on. Instead of changing the religious model of the family, a new type of family relationship comes in, based on the freedom of each member of the family, freeing them from slavery.
 However, the secular day raises new problems, including social orphanhood, violence, single-parent families, drug addiction, etc., which need to be resolved in the post-secular society. These problems are perceived as religious (religious-based families) and non-religious (families that do not put God or gods at the heart of their relationship) families who are looking for ways out of the crisis.
 The article defines the signs of this post-secular society, where both religious and secular ones exist simultaneously. In return, the separation of the secular from the religious and the suppression of the religious secular, the absolute priority of the secular over the religious comes another model. Religion on the wave of religious revival is actively included in the public sphere, is clearly represented in various social projects, including family, so that religion gradually increases its authority and influence.
 In this situation, facing the complex challenges facing the family, the religious and secular worlds are forced to seek such forms of communion in order to jointly solve the problems that have arisen. Ukraine still has to overcome mutual distrust, ignorance of opportunities of each other, accumulate resources, since both the church and the state work on one subject - a citizen of the state and a believer church.

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