
The paper examines actual problems concerning administrative responsibility for advertising services in the field of preparation and writing papers provided for by the state scientific certification system In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of organizations engaged in illegal preparation of term (year) papers and theses, research articles and Cand. Sci. dissertations. Unfortunately, as practice shows, territorial bodies of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS territorial bodies) do not always identify the elements of the crime in the activities of such organizations.FAS territorial bodies refer to the lack of a high level of experts in the field, difficulties associated with conducting linguistic forensic expertise mandatory for fixing and detecting hidden advertising, the lack of a well-developed mechanism for bringing to administrative responsibility. The authors propose measures necessary to eliminate these problems and improve the work of law enforcement agencies.In particular, the authors are convinced that in a separate letter, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation should oblige its territorial authorities to identify elements of illegal advertising during their inspections aimed at checking compliance with the Federal Law on Advertising and to bring to administrative responsibility citizens, officials and legal entities advertising services for writing scientific papers. The police bodies, as well as the Federal Tax Service agencies should also be involved in this work, and they should be given the appropriate powers.It is advisable for the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation to instruct subordinate prosecutor’s offices of constituent entities, cities, districts to carry out monitoring regarding situations when antimonopoly authorities impose or fail to impose administrative responsibility on citizens, officials and legal entities for advertising services for writing papers provided for by the state system of scientific certification.To identify signs of veiled advertising, it is proposed to use clarifications of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, according to which courts can take into account information that consumers associate with goods in circulation. In relation to the problem of advertising services for the implementation and writing of scientific papers, antimonopoly authorities can use the data of sociological surveys of students and teachers and the conclusions of linguistic expertise.

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